Welcome to this Exploratory Experience of my memories of our Palette Salon.
You can expand from [[the central overview|central overview]] by clicking on the hyperlinked (colored) words. I'm thinking specifically Tracy's description of your [[nature paintings|Tracy's nature series]] and how you described what I think of as [[an inductive process|inductive]] vs. what Lisa was saying about applying [[a scientific method|scientific method]] to the organization of an artistic project.
Is inductive vs. deductive reasoning [[a fair characterization|google sheet for answers]]?[[Is Nature Series how you refer to them?|google sheet for answers]]
Tracy's project was leaving paper out for a day, and letting nature "paint on it."
Lisa outlined a suggested approach in which Tracy might then establish some hypothosis about the outcome of these chance operations (painting by weather.) Then she could "test" that hypothesis against the actual objects created by the chance operation.In the future I'm going to figure out if I can link to something like a google sheet where you can write to me in response to a question in the "story"Tracy's project was leaving paper out for a day, and letting nature "paint on it."
She described that, as a next step, she laid out the images that were created and let the patterns emerge from there.Hope described a process in which she laid out a series of [[Cy Twombly line drawings|Cy Twombly]] and moved in response to those.In the future, I will figure out how to insert those images so you could choose to look at them here.(twinery.org) -- this non-linear storytelling platform in which I created this thing you are in right now!
I'm playing around with it as a way to introduce (as Tracy said) some chance operations for the audience of a particular story.
But in this case, I guess I'm exploring how the mind maps certain ideas ([[my memories of the salon|An Exploratory Experience of my memories of the Palette Salon]]) in non-linear ways, so maybe this interactive layout is [[a better way to express those ideas to others|google sheet for answers]]?Overview: My mind has been batting around the discussion of [[inductive vs. deductive reasoning in artistic work|reasoning in artistic work]] And about [[Hope dancing out the Cy Twombly sketches|Hope's process]]. I also shared a couple of tools I'm trying out, including [[Twine|Twine]].
I also had some [[thoughts on the image of the 10 of Cups|10 of Cups]] -- such a gorgeous and exciting image!I see [[opening up and ripeness|opening up]].
It also made me think about how [[ripeness is the halflife of the flower|ripeness is the half life of the flower]].
The steadiness of the cup stands out so strongly for me here. It is such [[a fascinating sign to me for emotion"|the cup symbolizes emotion]].
I think of emotions often as things to "master," but this image reminds me that they are steady of their flow, even as they cannot stop shifting. The way the petals almost seem to be revealing the cup. How gorgeous that is, luxurious -- like you say Lisa -- the height of the flower's beauty revealing this deeper image of gold and precious stones. Ripeness is the half life of the flower and the beginning of its death --
But in nature, that death is leading to more life -- in the form of the fruit the flower will become. And here what appears where you might expect the fruit is this cup.
It's gorgeous, but also such a solid object -- that is made of stuff that will outlast nearly any human or flower or actual fruit.
Emotion is so often thought of or signified by what the cup might contain -- changeable, evanescent liquid or vapor.
To me, this image is a reminder of the strength of life, which can feel unsteady in all its cycles. Looking at it, I feel how the cup remains, even as the liquid evaporates and escapes, or the flower becomes the seed.